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Q: Can acupuncture help me?

A: Acupuncture has been used extensively to treat a large range of conditions from clearly defined musculoskeletal problems, including shoulder stiffness, back pain and knee pain to more general feelings of ill health. Increasingly both Western and Chinese medicine, stress has been recognised as a major contributing factor to dis-ease (disease); acupuncture can help to mitigate stress by balancing the mind, body and spirit.    

Q: How does acupuncture work?

A: Acupuncture works via the meridians/channels that run through the body. Needles are inserted into appropriate points along the meridians to promote the circulation of energy/qi (pronounced chee) to promote free circulation of energy and stimulate the body to promote healing.

Q. How many treatments will I need?

A: The number of treatment varies according to the nature and duration of the patients’ condition.


Q: How do I prepare for acupuncture treatment?

A: It is helpful to wear loose clothing so that all areas of the body are accessible and dignity is maintained. It is helpful to avoid eating a large meal before treatment and, if possible, to allow time to relax after treatment.

Q: Can acupuncture cause any adverse effects/reactions?

A: Reactions to acupuncture are mild and transient; they may include tiredness, occasional light bruising and tingling that lasts for a few seconds after a needle is inserted.


Q: Do I need to inform my GP that I am having acupuncture?

A: Many patients do inform their GP; acupuncture is frequently used in combination with prescribed medications and treatment regimens and will not interfere with them. Many patients find that they can reduce their prescribed medications after treatment.

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